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Anthon St. Maarten
Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach

Psychic Prediction - Free Will, Fate Or Divine Destiny?
Psychic reading is not fortune-telling. Psychic reading is a spiritual practice, while fortune-telling is a potentially dangerous fallacy.

Coming Out Of The Psychic Closet
Growing up psychic and sane was no mean feat for hereditary psychic medium Anthon St. Maarten. This is the story of his psychic childhood.

Intuition - The Unconscious Language Of The Soul
Instinct and intuition are said to be the same innate, primitive intelligence. But is intuition truly nothing more than a primal urge?

From The Inner Circle At Stonehenge
One of the most memorable highlights of my spiritual travels is a midnight meditation in the inner circle at Stonehenge under the stars.

The Disappointed Jesus In London
A brash neon sculpture of an angry Jesus was the closest I personally came to a spiritual experience in the downtown city streets of London.

The Shaman’s Schmetterling In Gottsdorf
Butterflies always appear when I visit a sacred site but I never expected a psychedelic paper butterfly to be one of mystical route markers.

A Sign From Apollo At The Delphic Oracle
The famous Oracle at the Temple of Apollo did not disappoint and sent me a good omen without me be without me being aware of it at the time.

In The Powerful Presence Of The Maiden Goddess
Heeding the whispers of an ancient deity, I wandered off the beaten tourist track to find my way to the doorstep of the Goddess Athena.

The Spiritual Superpower Of Magical Thinking
There was no need for a term like ‘magical thinking’ in the Golden Age of Man. There was only genuine everyday magic and mysticism.
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