What Is A Business Reading?
Business psychic reading is the 'channeling' of metaphysical information or 'energy data' regarding your employment opportunities, career development, income strategies, financial planning, money management, entrepreneurship goals, and business ventures.
A business or career psychic reading can assist you with:
making better career or business choices and decisions
improve your chances of success
avoid unnecessary pitfalls and obstacles
increase your income or profits
achieve professional success and personal fulfillment
attract lasting abundance and prosperity
Corporate Psychic Services
It has always been rumored that the rich and famous consult with psychics and astrologers to keep them on the leading edge in their field. In the digital information age this is no longer a secret.
According to Fortune.com it is "well known that successful professionals have a coterie of advisers – investment advisers, leadership coaches, personal trainers – but for a small, but growing number, that network also includes so-called intuitive counselors and spiritual advisers – more commonly known as psychics."
Vice.com reports that "corporate psychic services first emerged in the 1980s. Around the same time, psychics had gained a foothold with individuals as an alternative to therapists - a way for people to seize control of their lives by looking outward, instead of inward - a notion that carried over to the business world. What business owner doesn't want a crystal ball?"
Supernatural insight, metaphysical resources and spiritual support for entrepreneurs, business owners, managers and professionals.
Psychic guidance in various aspects of work, career, money, finances, business, and investment.
Metaphysical empowerment and spiritual inspiration to promote success, abundance and prosperity.
Consultation Fees
Standard Session
$150.00 (30 min)
$190.00 (45 min)
$230.00 (60 min)
$290.00 (90 min)
Emergency Session
$320 (30 min)
$490 (60 min)
Session Packages
$380.00​ (2 x 60 min)
$680.00 (4 x 60 min)
$900.00 (6 x 60 min)
How To Book
​To get a reading simply visit the booking page and schedule an appointment online. It is quick and easy! Once you have selected a date and time, you will automatically be redirected to PayPal for secure payment. You will receive an email confirmation of your appointment.
Help & FAQ's
For more information about readings, booking and payment, and other services visit

Why Don't Psychics Win The Lottery?
Who says they don't? I am sure you have heard the lame, old joke: "How come you never see the headline, 'Psychic Wins Lottery?" Well, it just so happens that psychics do win the lottery!
Skeptics often ask why psychics don’t use their talents to predict the winning lottery numbers? This question may have some merit in a stand-up comedy routine. I enjoy a clever joke as much as the next person, but once everyone has had their laugh, all that remains for me is a tragic reflection of the lack of spiritual depth, as well as the superficial materialism, of our society.
The truth is there have actually been several reports of psychics and their clients winning the lottery.