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Anthon St. Maarten
Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach

Clairempathy – The Gift Of Psychic Feeling
Clairempaths function as emotional surrogates or empathic polygraphs by actively embodying the feelings, mood states, motivations of others

Manifesting Miracles In Dark And Difficult Times
Don’t assume the magic must stop when the going gets tough. The dark, difficult times are make-or-break opportunities to manifest miracles.

Empath Empowerment In The Age Of Narcissism
How will the highly sensitive survive the new Age of Narcissism? How will they hold on to sanity and inner peace in a toxic psychic storm?

Mediumship Is Not A Psychic Sideshow
Mediumship is not a dog and pony show aimed at applause or viewer ratings. It is a spiritual gift from beyond... like a phone call from God.

Be Brave My Fellow Indigo
The Indigo Children came to awaken, teach, guide, heal and create a better world. We came to be brave warriors and way showers, not victims.

The Twelve Archetypal Secrets Of Sacred Love
Invite sacred romance into your reality experience by meditating on my set of guiding principles based on the twelve universal archetypes.

Empath Unplugged At Bath Spa
For the highly sensitive empath the healing waters of Celtic-Roman goddess Sulis Minerva offers an unexpected tranquil refuge and sanctuary.

The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic
The significant moment in my life was when I discovered the power of authenticity. Living an authentic and aware life will alter your world.

Teaching Others How To Treat You
Do we teach others how to treat us? I’ve learned that we can ‘teach others’ with much less fuss and drama than the usual hardcore approach.
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