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Writer's pictureAnthon St. Maarten

Manifesting Miracles In Dark And Difficult Times

The current state of the world is no doubt the 'winter of discontent' for our generation. 'Pandemic fatigue’ or ‘covid burnout’ has been taking its toll on even the most resilient, spiritually grounded, and level-headed among us. Nobody has been immune to the ravages of the past year's challenges. But how we ultimately emerge from this time of extreme contrast will be a make-or-break free will choice. How we spiritually manage the remainder of these difficult days will determine the next chapter of our life and serve as a springboard for the rest of our journey in this lifetime.

We recently reached the one-year mark in an ongoing global crisis and it has certainly not been rainbows, butterflies, or unicorns. In fact, it has been an annus horribilis in every possible sense. The Covid-19 pandemic is without a doubt one of the most challenging experiences of spiritual contrast many of us will have to face in our current lifetime.

Those of us who are spiritually aware and committed to an awakened, conscious lifestyle have been aware of the spiritual significance of these dark and difficult times. We have been valiantly embracing the many opportunities for personal empowerment and soul growth this time of deep contrast has been presenting to us. Some with more success than others.

There is, however, one valuable spiritual prospect that many seekers and believers are currently blissfully unaware of, or not taking full advantage of. Many do not seem to understand that we have a powerful window of opportunity currently open to us that can set in motion the future fulfillment of our most cherished life goals, and the manifestation of our most ambitious hopes, dreams and desires.

Contrast is the spiritual spice of life. It's a foolish mistake to assume that when the going gets tough, the magic must stop. Now is the ideal time to manifest miracles.

Our future is not tomorrow. The future is what we are creating today. Right now. It's a foolish mistake to assume that when the going gets tough, the magic must stop. The darker and more difficult the times, the more vital it becomes to hold on to your dreams and launch new rockets of desire. Now is in fact the ideal time to manifest miracles!

The most fertile time for manifesting abundance, prosperity, joy and fulfillment is not during the happy, carefree days of our life, when we are cruising along on autopilot and everything is peaceful and prosperous. Quite the contrary. Our innate desire as spiritual beings to expand, achieve, prosper, and fulfill our true destiny is seldom fueled by times of comfort, ease, and abundance.

It is actually during the darkest, most challenging times of deep soul contrast, spiritual adversity and intense trauma and suffering that we realize what truly matters and learn to appreciate even the smallest blessings in our lives. It is only when we have experienced the chill of a brutal, grim winter, that we can begin to fully cherish the warmth of a bright summer’s day. Contrast is the spiritual spice of life.

The past year has been exactly such a stark wake-up call. Many of us have found a new awareness of our true priorities, hopes and dreams. Sadly, not everyone will maximize their chances of successfully manifesting these newfound dreams and goals. In fact, some will stumble out of the Covid arena bruised and battered with little to show for surviving the battle, despite the current opportunities presented to them. Other will simply return to the comfort zone of their pre-pandemic life. And tragically, some will be worse off than they were before this existential storm.

Some will stumble out of the Covid arena bruised and battered with little to show for surviving the battle. For the spiritually savvy person this is make-or-break time. And contrary to all the doom prophets and naysayers, there is much to look forward to.

The spiritually wise and metaphysically empowered will however come out of these times ready to embrace a meaningful new life of joy, fulfillment, abundance, prosperity, combined with a heightened level of empathy, social responsibility and spiritual wisdom. How you consciously manage the remainder of this challenging time will determine the next chapter of your life. It will lay the foundation for what you will manifest in the medium-to-long-term future, while setting the scene for what to expect from the rest of your journey in this lifetime.

Now is certainly not the time to be complacent or despondent. For the spiritually savvy person this is make-or-break time. It’s very much now, or never. And contrary to all the doom prophets and naysayers, there is so much to look forward to for those of us who will be ready to embrace the many blessings and opportunities I foresee in our future. Many revolutionary innovations and unexpected new possibilities will come forth from these difficult times, like lotus flowers blooming brightly in the morning light from the messy, murky waters of a dark night.

Now is absolutely the time to 'get all dressed up while there is still nowhere to go.' Now is the time to rise up and embrace the life lessons and spiritual growth opportunities all of this contrast has delivered to us and use it to recalibrate our consciousness, realign our energy and reinvent our lives for the better. Contrast is a gift of divine inspiration. Now is the time to redesign your destiny and set your intentions for manifesting a new and improved future reality. And this is how you can start achieving this today:

Adjust Your Attitude

The first step in beating back ‘pandemic burnout’ and setting in motion the manifestation of your bright new future is to choose how you are going to think and feel about the current circumstances. I foresee that we are still much less out of the woods than many currently may want to believe. In many places we are still set to hit rock-bottom and in others the aftermath of the pandemic will in time reveal even more losses, trauma and collateral damage. The effects and influences of this novel coronavirus will reverberate for many years to come.

There is only one sensible path when we are confronted with such an agonizing, frustrating co-created circumstance, over which we have little control as individuals. Instead of hopelessly trying to change the situation, it makes much more sense to adapt our attitude and change ourselves. It is spiritually foolish to constantly row upstream and fight the currents of life, or passively wait for the tides to change. To get to our destination, we must calibrate our inner compass, adjust our sails to the winds, and look up at the guidance of the stars.

This does not mean we surrender or give up. Quite the contrary. It means we harness the contrasting energy of the times and make the absolute most of the circumstances exactly as they are right now. Everything happens for a reason and spiritually mature, empowered people accept personal responsibility for their daily reality experience. The renowned Austrian psychologist Viktor Frankl referred to this as “the last of the human freedoms: to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Frankl discovered this universal truth during his time as a teenage prisoner in various Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War. Everything was taken from him: his freedom, his family and friends, his clothes and possessions, his name, and even the hair they shaved off his head - except for the one remaining freedom we all possess: the ability to choose how he was going to think and feel in that dreadful situation. The positive, hopeful, determined attitude he chose in the end ensured his survival and he went on to become a celebrated neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher and author who fulfilled his true destiny and lived out his life until the age of 92.

The only true human freedom we have is the ability to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances. You absolutely do have a choice at this moment in time. We always have a choice. Make the better choice today.

It will be wise to assess your attitude and mindset going forward. A pessimistic, cynical outlook, toxic anger and frustration, or a victim mentality, will not invite new blessings and miracles into your life. Trust me on that. It will only serve to rub salt in the wounds and add further insult to injury.

Choosing a hopeful, enthusiastic, courageous, even excited outlook will instead empower you to manifest a better, brighter future. You absolutely do have a choice at this moment in time. We always have a choice. Make the better choice today.

Change Your Thoughts

To take back your power in any given situation, focus on the things you can control. The thoughts you choose to think is usually the best place to start. Your fears, worries and false beliefs do not keep you safe. They keep you small. When you are trapped in negative, pessimistic thought patterns, your mind is no longer free to set new intentions, nor visualize a brighter future. For that is how we create: with our consciousness; with everything that goes on in our mind.

Manifesting is a dual process governed by two universal spiritual laws, namely the Law of Creation and the Law of Attraction. You can read more about this in my book Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny. The bottom-line is that manifesting is a two-sided process of both creation and attraction. We must create (plan, design, envision, imagine) what we want, and then attract those creations into our reality experience. We do this by resonating with, or becoming a match to the energy frequency of whatever we wish to manifest. Like attracts like. Birds of a feather flock together. Until we match the energy, our wishes cannot become manifest.

How bright or bleak is your current vision for the future? If you don’t like what you currently find in the corridors of your mind, now would be a vital time to sort that out as soon as possible.

Therefore, the next hurdle to overcome in these tough, crazy times is to be wise about what we are choosing to create. We create with our consciousness. Thoughts become things. What we think about, what we focus on and pay attention to, what we choose to believe, all adds up to what will ultimately become our manifested reality. We are the creators of our own reality experience, therefore we must be mindful about what we choose to think and believe, for this will determine our destiny and the outcomes of our future reality experience.

Consider what you have been consciously, and subconsciously creating in your mind lately. Take stock of your thought patterns and mental processes. How bright or bleak is your current vision and outlook for the future? Do you even have a proper vision for your future? If you don’t like what you currently find in the corridors of your mind, now would be a vital time to sort that out as soon as possible.

Shift Your Focus

If you do find yourself engaging in a lot of negative thought patterns at the moment, it is very likely that your pessimism, fear and doubt may be caused by your current choice of mental focus. Consider for a moment what you have been feeding your mind lately. What have you been paying most attention to in the world around you.

Here’s the deal: a better, brighter future cannot emerge from the ashes of a contrasting experience if we continue to dwell on the past, or obsess over the unpleasant details of the current manifested reality. There is no future in the past, and what is evident today, will no longer be true tomorrow.

Empowered manifestors are masters of their own mind. They are not slaves to self-limiting beliefs, nor servants to small-minded views of the world.

Empowered manifestors are masters of their own mind. They are not slaves to self-limiting beliefs, nor servants to small-minded views of the world. Now is the time to carefully consider what you are choosing to focus on, think about, pay attention to and believe. Yes, things are difficult and chaotic right now, but get over it. Instead of focusing on what is, or how bad things may appear to be right now, what you should be doing more of is focusing on what you wish to see, experience and manifest in the future.

Use the remainder of this difficult time to focus more on what you do want for your future. Set your intention to manifest solutions, instead of obsessing over problems that you cannot change or control. Visualize the cure, stop feeding the calamity. Focusing on everything that is wrong or missing in your life today will not serve to invite tomorrow’s joy, fulfillment, success, abundance, or prosperity. Instead of investing your divine creative energy by focusing on the negative aspects and every grim detail of the current reality, you will be wise to direct your focus towards what you envision, wish for and desire for the future.

Clarify Your Goals

Times of contrast are not intended to be an everlasting pity-party of fear, despair, victim mindsets, lack consciousness and a scarcity mentality. Yes, initially when disaster and tragedy strikes, contrast is meant to turn our world upside down, because the ensuing wave of chaos, misery and anguish is what will ultimately push us forward to a newfound awareness of life’s joys and blessings we otherwise usually take for granted.

But once we have been rudely awakened and radically confronted by such an experience of contrast, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get ourselves back on track with renewed strength, wisdom, clarity, determination, and ambition. From the contrast must arise a new vision for our future. This is the dualistic dynamic of this spiritual adventure we signed up for in this lifetime. Like it or not, this is how we roll as spiritual beings in human form.

The unwanted aspects of the current reality is meant to give rise to new rockets of desire. Find those rockets now, so you can launch them and set the wheels of your future manifestations in motion as soon as possible.

If you currently find your attention and focus morbidly turning to what is, instead of what can be, use those moments of negativity as an opportunity to consider what you truly want instead. For that is what contrast is meant to teach us. It is supposed to show us what we do want, not just what we don't want. From our agony, grief and suffering must emerge new desires, hopes and dreams for the future. This is the true purpose of spiritual contrast.

Without contrast there is no growth, innovation, renewal or expansion. Even Mother Nature knows that a perpetual summer makes no sense. There must be a winter. The cold months of the year strengthen the roots of trees and enable plants to store energy for renewed growth. In fact, the harsher the winter, the more the plant kingdom thrives when the warm sunshine returns.

The unwanted aspects of the current reality is meant to give rise to new rockets of desire. Find those rockets now, so you can launch them and set the wheels of your future manifestations in motion as soon as possible. Don’t be tempted to indulge in pessimism, negativity or self-pity during the rest of these dark, difficult times. Use the contrast as it was intended: to serve as fuel for discovering new goals and dreams. Begin to focus on what you want, instead of what you do not want. Focus on the possibilities. The limitations will take care of itself.

Release Your Resistance

Figuring out what we yearn for and truly desire is, however, the easier past of successfully working through a time of contrast. And this is where even more of us are currently floundering. Some may have already found crystal-clear clarity in recent months regarding their hopes and wishes for the future, but many of those post-pandemic dreams will fall through the cracks and go up in smoke because their owners lack energetic resonance and alignment with what they are hoping to attract and manifest.

When we are indulging in negativity and hopelessness we are perpetuating an energy frequency that creates resistance to new blessings and opportunities from entering our life. It pushes the good stuff away and blocks our progress. We can only attract what our energy is resonating with today, not what we hope to be energetically compatible with tomorrow.

There is also no point in sending out energy that is telling the Universe, God, Spirit, Source what we do not want, or how much we despise the mess the world has become this past year. Stating the obvious of what is with our energy signal will not transform those things we do not want. It will merely recreate it, or worse, invite even more of that negativity into our life. Resistant energy prevents new miracles from manifesting.

This current existential drama is co-created and divinely ordained. It is beyond our individual choosing or control and it must unfortunately play itself out to its bitter end. While you wait out the storm, focus instead on aligning yourself with the next chapter of your life.

The most self-empowering step you can therefore take in the remainder of these difficult time is to release the energetic resistance you may have been cultivating by pushing against the circumstances of the pandemic. Let go of the struggle, release the frustration, stop fighting the tide! It is what it is. This current existential drama is co-created and divinely ordained. It is beyond our individual choosing or control and it must unfortunately play itself out to its bitter end.

We exist in a co-created reality in which we do not always choose all the outcomes and circumstances. Much of our shared reality is manifested in collaboration with the rest of humanity, and on top of that some of it is also chosen for us by divine intervention. There are times in our life when God, Spirit, Source, the Universe, decides what is best for us. But how we choose to think and feel about a given situation is always our free will choice.

While you wait out the storm, focus on aligning yourself with the next chapter of your life and begin to prepare yourself for your amazing future. Many souls are spiritually and mentally lounging around these days, wasting precious time, or feeling miserable, hopeless, bitter, or sorry for themselves. There is absolutely no worse death curse than the humdrum daily existence of the living dead. Do not allow yourself to become a part of it. Instead, use this time to get ahead of the game!

Love Your Neighbor

The most powerful way you can beat back the ‘pandemic blues’ and ensure the successful manifestation of your dreams and wishes is to practice empathy, compassion, gratitude and unconditional love. These are the prime energy frequencies for attracting miracles and wonders!

There is much suffering and despair in our world today. Many have lost their livelihoods. Many have lost their loved ones. Many are grieving or struggling with their mental health. Many are fighting for their very survival in emergency rooms.

Many have also gone hungry, while some have been complaining about gaining weight during lockdown and “getting a tan from their refrigerator light." While in some places in the world local authorities are having to coax their citizens into get vaccinated by offering them financial rewards, entertainment and free donuts, there are places where people do not even have access to a hospital bed or oxygen, much less the luxury of choosing to get vaccinated, or not.

These challenging times demand that we all check our privilege. The pandemic has exposed many inequalities, disparities, and social injustices in our world. We have a collective responsibility as co-creators to do something about it.

These challenging times demand that we all check our privilege. The pandemic has exposed many inequalities, disparities, and social injustices in our world. It has also revealed the extreme ignorance and lack of education in our society regarding science and technology. We have a collective responsibility as co-creators to do something about it. For if we do not correct these wrongs, we will all suffer for it in the end and more global events of contrast will be coming our way.

Instead of complaining about ‘pandemic fatigue,’ it may be more useful to find ways to be of service to others when there is currently so much opportunity to do so. Empathy, compassion and social responsibility is sorely lacking in our world today. To be blessed, we must bless others. To manifest miracles in our own lives, we must create miracles in the lives of others.

The most powerful key to successful manifesting is to practice gratitude. The more sincerely grateful we are for every blessing in our life, no matter how big or small, the more our energy resonance will attract more new blessings to be grateful for. And the most powerful expression of gratitude is to be generous and big-hearted in sharing our blessings with others.

Respect Your Grief

For some of us it is currently more difficult to set new intentions for the future. There is a time and place for everything. If you have suffered the loss of a loved one this past year, be kind and gentle with yourself. You may not be ready right now to implement the guidelines offered in this article. Instead your starting points should be to make every effort to process your grief first. And you have every tight to do it in your own time and in your own, unique way.

Grieving is highly individual and personal. It is perfectly normal and acceptable to express your true feelings, whatever they may be. Whether you feel sad, angry, depressed, lonely or afraid - all of your feelings are valid and should be respected and authentically expressed. Do not allow others to dictate to you how your bereavement should be dealt with, or how you are supposed to think and feel.

Take your time and deal with your loss in your own way. Grieving is not subject to a random schedule or timeline. Allow yourself as much time and space as you need to work through your unique thoughts and emotions. Be patient and compassionate with yourself and others.

Know that this too shall pass. In time, you will find your way through the contrast. It will not be easy or predictable, and some days will be worse than others, but eventually you will get to higher ground.

Do not be too proud to seek help and support from others. Reach out if you need a shoulder to lean on, or a friend to talk to. There is always someone out there who cares, no matter how isolated you may feel at this time.

Also, make a real effort to support yourself daily with self-care. You may not always be in the mood to take good care of yourself, but do whatever you can, when you can. Try to at least get some sleep, eat healthy, take breaks and relax, do some exercise, meditate, pray, journal, socialize, get out of the house. Self-care and spiritual practice will empower you on even the most difficult days.

Know that this too shall pass. In time, you will find your way through the contrast. It will not be easy or predictable, and some days will be worse than others, but eventually you will get to higher ground. Your heart will become lighter and your soul will regain balance. Until then, whatever you do, do not try to suppress or ignore your true feelings. Denying how you really feel will not bring your to a place of acceptance and healing.

Once you feel ready to proceed with everyday life, return to this blog post and apply the rest of the guidelines described here.

Find Your Purpose

This time of intense contrast has been inviting many of us to contemplate the true meaning and purpose of our life. If you went into this pandemic with a lack of purpose or life goals, chances are this is no longer the case. If so, then it is now time to begin taking more practical steps towards making your newfound purpose a reality.

And if you have not yet figured out what your life purpose or calling is, now is the ideal time to explore it with more sincerity and determination. The first thing you can do to connect with your life purpose is to boost your daily spiritual practice. To connect with you life calling your inner guidance system needs a broadband connection to the ‘big computer in the sky.’ A dial-up connection is not going to cut it. If you are really stuck then contact me for a destiny coaching consultation.

Visualize Your Future

Now is the time to launch new ‘rockets of desire,’ not wallow in misery over what used to be, or should have been, or could have been. Pandemic fatigue is essentially just a symptom of clinging to the past and desperately wanting to return the ‘good old days’ that were not necessarily all that great, if you carefully think about it. Contrast enriches life. Was your life really all that picture perfect before the pandemic? If not, why obsess over it? Begin to imagine instead your brand-new post-pandemic life.

The end is in sight. A new epoch, a time of great joy, celebration, abundance, and adventure, is looming on the horizon. Be wise and get ready.

The restrictions and limitations currently placed of our daily lives is therefore not a prison sentence. It is a wonderful opportunity to amp up our spiritual and metaphysical practices. Now is the time to create, to visualize, to set powerful intentions for the future. The temporary ‘new normal’ is not a curse, it is a blessing in disguise. It offers us a unique period of grace to envision and prepare for the future, and calibrate and align our energy with the outcomes we intend to manifest in the years that lie ahead.

Instead of getting sucked into downward daily spiral of fake news, social media drama, pandemic fatigue, frustration and self-pity, use this time wisely to apply as many manifesting techniques and spiritual practices as you can lay your hands on.

Create a vision board, start a gratitude journal, write a set of morning affirmations, recite a daily prayer, make a shopping list of your wishes, goals and desires, do visualization exercises, perform a manifesting ritual, experiment with dreamwork, listen to subliminal recordings, stream some guided meditations, write a letter to yourself from your future self. Meditate. Pray. Chant. Journal. Visualize. Fantasize. Imagine. Daydream. Every day.

The end is in sight. A new epoch, a time of great joy, celebration, abundance and amazing adventure is looming on the horizon. Be wise and get ready.

​​© 2021 Anthon St. Maarten



Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele of thought leaders, business executives, celebrities, politicians, academics, and luminaries in the arts and sciences in more than thirty countries spanning five continents.

He is also a metaphysics teacher, psychic development coach, podcaster, and spiritual blogger. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts post-graduate with a major in psychology.

psychic medium and destiny coach Anthon St. Maarten offers a range of professional psychic reading options, including psychic and mediumship readings, love and relationship guidance, soulmate readings, business and finance readings and annual forecasts and psychic predictions.

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