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new course launching soon

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Explore your true psychic potential beyond the

pop culture 'woo-woo' and mainstream stereotypes.


A comprehensive psychic development course designed to unlock your innate psychic potential, harness your transpersonal sensitivity and develop skills as a psychic channeler or reader.   

This groundbreaking program delves deep into true psychic channeling and mediumship to dispel many of the modern myths and misconceptions surrounding psychic ability and the so-called "clair senses." It offers a no-nonsense exploration of true psychic perception and is not just another course on divination, oracle cards, crystal healing, or the chakras. 


Mature woman doing yoga

Study independently according to your own schedule. Access course materials whenever and wherever you want, progressing through the content in your own way at your preferred speed.

Virtual Team Meeting

Participate in interactive online sessions in a friendly, supportive group setting. Benefit from shared experiences, discussions, and insights guided by a knowledgeable coach.

Business Video Call

Personalized coaching tailored to your unique needs in addition to the group sessions. Receive one-on-one support and mentorship throughout the training program.



The course content bridges the gap between a rational left-brain approach and an intuitive right-brain approach by finding a level-headed middle ground between theory and practice, physics and metaphysics, and science and spirituality. 




Discover new psychic terminology and a groundbreaking conceptual model that challenges outdated misconceptions and empowers your with a sophisticated understanding of true psychic perception. Learn practical techniques to harness your natural gifts, enhance your ability to interpret your unique psychic impressions, and communicate your psychic perceptions with clarity and confidence. 




Whether you're a newly awakened psychic, an advanced student who has had limited success with other psychic courses, or an experienced practitioner looking to deepen your existing knowledge and further sharpen your skills, this course offers a supportive, enlightening, and myth-busting journey into the fascinating world of authentic psychic perception without the usual fluff.

Anthon St. Maarten psychic development coach


Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele in more than thirty countries spanning five continents.


He is also a metaphysics teacher, podcaster, spiritual blogger, and author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny.


Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts postgraduate with a degree in psychology.

This program was inspired by my own life-long quest and three decades of study, research and practice to understand my own psychic abilities and supernatural experiences. In this course I share what I have learned to empower others who are also navigating the confusing myths, superstitions and misinformation about psychic perception.


Course Curriculum

Module 1: Psychic Ability
  • What is psychic ability?

  • Is everyone psychic?

  • Understanding your own psychic potential

  • Nature vs. nurture

  • Heredity and genetics

  • Psychological traits and sensitivity

  • Childhood trauma and early development

  • Adult psychic awakening

  • Gifts vs. talents

  • Psychic ability as a calling

  • Self-assess your potential


Module 2: Psychic Perception
  • Understanding the mind-soul

  •  Psychic myths & misnomers

  • The Extrasensory Perception Myth

  • The Receiving Myth

  • The Transmission Myth

  • The External Input Myth

  • The Psychic Influence Myth

  • Psychic Sensing vs. Psychic Perception

  • A New Model for Psychic Perception


online psychic development course material content diplayed on laptop, smartphone and tablet screen
Module 3: Psychic Resonance
  • What is psychic resonance?

  • The subconscious state of resonance

  • Metaphysical resonance

  • Psychic resonance

  • Grounding, centering & shielding


Module 4: Psychic Awareness
  • Everyday psychic experiences

  • Dream awareness & mystical events

  • Altered states of consciousness

  • The psi-conducive state

  • The true sixth sense

  • Achieving the state of psychic awareness


Module 5: Psychic Impressions
  • The concept of psychic qualia

  • Characteristics of psychic qualia

  • Understanding psychic convergence

  • The process of psychic development

  • The nature of psychic symbols

  • Dealing with psychic amnesia


Module 6: Psychic Preferences
  • The clair sense myth

  • The clairsentience misnomer

  • What are psychic preferences

  • Clairsapient preference

  • Clairsensory preference

  • Clairsentient preference

  • Discover your unique preferences


woman sitting in meditative position surounded by an aura of psychic energy to suggest a altered state of consciousnes and enhanced psychic awareness

Psychics and mediums do not 'sense'

They perceive.

Module 7: Psychic Sapience
  • What is psychic knowing

  • Understanding claircognizance

  • Divine inspiration

  • Precognition

  • Retrocognition

Module 8: Psychic Sentience
  • What is psychic feeling

  • Understanding transpersonal empathy

  • The concept of clairintuition

  • Intuition vs. instinct

  • Intuitive vs. psychic

  • Precognition vs. premonition


Module 9: Psychic Sensing
  • Clairvoyance (psychic seeing)

  • Clairaudience (psychic hearing)

  • Clairoflaction (psychic smelling)

  • Clairgustance (psychic tasting)

  • Clairsomatica (psychic somatosensation)

Module 10: Psychic Channeling
  • Channeling vs. reading

  • Channeling vs. divining

  • The process of psychic channeling

  • The source of psychic information

  • The qualities of energy data

  • Guidelines for ethical psychic practices

Module 11: Psychic Practice
  • Practical applications of psychic perception

  • Psychic perception in daily life

  • Professional psychic reading


Module 12: Psychic Mediumship
  • Mediumship and Spirit Communication

  • Psychic channeling vs. mediumship

  • Types of mediumship

  • Communicating with spirit

  • Ethics of mediumship


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