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Anthon St. Maarten
Psychic Medium & Destiny Coach

Clairempathy – The Gift Of Psychic Feeling
Clairempaths function as emotional surrogates or empathic polygraphs by actively embodying the feelings, mood states, motivations of others

Manifesting Miracles In Dark And Difficult Times
Don’t assume the magic must stop when the going gets tough. The dark, difficult times are make-or-break opportunities to manifest miracles.

Psychic Protection 101 - Grounding, Centering & Shielding
Always begin your spiritual and psychic activities with with an energy protection routine that includes grounding, centering and shielding.

The Powerful Magic Of Being Authentic
The significant moment in my life was when I discovered the power of authenticity. Living an authentic and aware life will alter your world.

Free Your Mind, Find Your Bliss
What we think, what we believe, is what we become. We create our own reality. Pop culture and the mass media will shape your reality tunnel.

The Daily Sustenance Of Spiritual Practice
A daily habit of spiritual practice is vital to strengthen your divine connection and ensure the clarity of your inner guidance system.

Dark Tears Are Pearls Of Wisdom
To complete our life journey successfully we must turn each and every dark tear into a pearl of wisdom, find the blessing in every curse.

How To Prepare For Meditation
It is a good idea for the clients of psychics to do some meditation or place themselves in a meditative state before receiving a reading.

Is Your Reality Tunnel Being Hacked?
Have you ever considered that while you believe you are creating your own reality, you may actually be recreating someone else’s version?
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