I am often asked whether spirit guides and angels support or guide me in my work. Do I actually see them? Can I tell you the name of your spirit guide? I am also asked whether I believe in ghosts, demons and poltergeists. My answers to these questions are both yes, and no.

The existence of non-physical beings has always fascinated mankind. We continue to be intrigued by the presence of spiritual entities from other realms, planes or dimensions. It is an aspect of our spiritual experience that is often the focal point for much discussion, speculation, debate, and even controversy and conflict. There are many similarities in the range of experiences and encounters of this nature that people report. The most commonly sited include the spirits of family members who have crossed over, as well as guardian angels, celestial guides, elementals, spirit animals and even extraterrestrial beings. However, there is also much disparity and many contradictions in that which people see and believe. So, whose version or vision is accurate? And do angels and spirit guides really exist? I believe such beings and entities do exist, not because I experience them in the same way as others do, but because there are many people who share similar beliefs about such entities and report similar experiences with them. And I respect that. I do not claim to know all the answers to the mysteries of the spiritual realm.
Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth. Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep ~ John Milton
All I know is what I know from personal experience and insight gathered from years of metaphysical research, spiritual writing and psychic mediumship work with thousands of clients all over the world. From both my professional perspective and my personal belief system, these manifestations of spirit are all essentially one and the same thing, and they all come from one and the same Source.
All life forms and inanimate objects, throughout the Universe, consist of pure energy, which vibrates at varying frequencies. In the end, we are all simply products of this one stream of positive, creative energy, whether we are physical or spiritual in our current form. And this Source Energy, of which we all are merely a vibrational expression, or point of consciousness, is an all-encompassing force of goodness, well-being, pure love and eternal expansion.
So yes, ​I do sense ’spirit guides’ and ‘angels’ around me, but I do not see them in a stereotypical shape or form. I don’t see angels with wings and halos, or guides who look like ethereal humans. When I do see 'angels and guides' they appear to me in a much more simple form, which can best be described as floating orbs of light, or flickering bundles of ‘fireflies'...sometimes accompanied by a unique odor.
However, when I do mediumship readings I tend to experience spirit in a more familiar human form, when the form or appearance of the spiritual entity will be more acceptable or recognizable for the person for whom I am doing the reading. Spirit has the tendency to reveal itself in a form that each of us can more easily relate to, or that fits more easily into our frame or reference.
Most of my clients are obviously more open to receiving guidance or messages from their deceased grandmother, instead of a 'transparent cloud of tiny light bubbles!' Therefore these spirit messages from the other side are typically delivered to me in this format, which I can then convey to the other person in a recognizable way. I have also seen 'Yarden,' my own main spirit guide, in human form, because I felt the sincere need for it at the time.
In my experience, all the varying manifestations of spirit entities, including angels or guides, are merely labels or concepts we use as a shared language or vocabulary, in order to interpret what we perceive and experience, when we do engage with spirit, as well as to explain it to others.
Their true form lies far beyond our current ability to fully understand, being somewhat akin to complex geometric patterns, incandescent like fire-works. But angels do take on forms that we can grasp. They do this for two reasons: so that we can perceive them on a level closer to our own; and to veil, or step down, the intensity of their vibrations so that we can endure them ~ David Goddard
Our diverse versions of spirit experiences are plethora and mostly based on our religious beliefs; the stories we were told during our childhood; the folklore, myths and legends of our diverse cultural backgrounds; as well as the images and concepts we absorb from the media and popular culture, including films, books and the arts. For this reason, it is common to find that your perception of what a spirit guide is, or what an angel looks like, would differ somewhat from the next person. Should you ask a foreigner, from a completely different cultural background, chances are you would either find that they have no knowledge of the existence of such beings, or they will describe them in a form completely unfamiliar to you and radically different from your version.
This leaves us with the question of undesirable manifestations or 'lower energy' entities, such as ghosts, shadow people, vampires, succubi and demonic forces. Do they exist? Sure they do. These manifestations are a grim reality for many people all over the world. However, these things do not exist in my world. I choose to place my focus and intention elsewhere.
I know from very personal experience that we are all powerful creators of our own reality experience and masters of our own destiny. What we prefer to focus upon and what we choose to believe, is what we ultimately perceive and experience in life. I choose not to surround myself with negativity and evil, neither do I entertain the lower vibrational patterns associated with fear, despair, misery and death. That is not the kind of reality experience I signed up for in this lifetime.
Dark forces or evil entities, in my opinion, are not manifestations of God, Spirit, the Light or the Universal Life Source. In my experience, they are fear-based manifestations created by humans to explain or justify unpleasant life experiences, shift the blame for human error, or even to control and manipulate others.
However, once again, I do not stand in judgment of those who do believe in evil entities or dark forces. If believing in an on-going battle between good and evil provides someone with a familiar, comfortable platform from which they can launch their unique spiritual expansion, I cannot see why such beliefs should be condemned by a fellow seeker.
If talking to angels, seeing spirit guides, or exorcising demons enables a person to fulfill their life calling and achieve their soul purpose in this lifetime, who am I to judge their path? To each his own. I also do not expect anyone to share my professional views or personal perception of celestial beings, paranormal phenomena or spirit entities.
There is no right or wrong way of experiencing spiritual manifestations. Everybody’s interpretation or translation is accurate in my opinion, and it always has merit within the unique cultural environment of the particular believer. Different strokes for different folks, as long as it serves the greater good. In the end we all come from the same place, ​Expansion and continued creation is dependent on diversity and individuality. It is my conviction that when one is in pure vibrational alignment with Spirit or Source, there is no need, or desire, to judge, criticize or discredit the spiritual experiences or beliefs of others. © 2010 Anthon St. Maarten
Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele of thought leaders, business executives, celebrities, politicians, academics, and luminaries in the arts and sciences in more than thirty countries spanning five continents.
He is also a metaphysics teacher, psychic development coach, podcaster, and spiritual blogger. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts post-graduate with a major in psychology.
Anthon publishes the spiritual life design blog, The S Word, and is the author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny and The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception.