The Sacred Gift Of Science And TechnologyAll science is divinely inspired, a miraculous gift, an act of providence. Why are some still choosing to wear their ‘tin foil hats?'
The Spiritual Significance Of A Global PandemicIn the dark, difficult days ahead, the Covid-19 pandemic will increasingly reveal its profound spiritual truths and lessons for the future.
The Everyday Miracle Of Everywhere MagicMagic prevails everywhere for the believers who seek to find it. Despite our cynical age the mystical and miraculous continues to endure.
Ol’ Boogeyman Still Comin’ To Getcha?Spiritually aware and gifted people sometimes have an unhealthy obsession and morbid fascination with evil spirits, curses and dark entities
Movie Psychics - Villains, Freaks Or Heroes?Psychics and mediums in the movies are traditionally depicted as shrewd, flaky or simply evil, and not the true reality of ordinary psychics