Movie Psychics - Villains, Freaks Or Heroes?Psychics and mediums in the movies are traditionally depicted as shrewd, flaky or simply evil, and not the true reality of ordinary psychics
The Clairsentience MythWhat we traditionally think of as the psychic ability of clairsentience, is not a singular psychic sense or ‘clair sense.’
Precognitive DreamsDid you know we sometimes dream the future? I experience this phenomenon on a regular basis and use precognitive dreams often in my work.
How Do Psychics Connect Long Distance?The 'energy data' or metaphysical information that psychics and mediums read is nonlocal, omnipresent, omniscient, and universal.
Do Angels And Spirit Guides Really Exist?I am often asked if spirit guides and angels are real and support or guide me in my work. My answers to this question is both yes, and no.