I am sure you have heard the lame, old joke: "How come you never see the headline, 'Psychic Wins Lottery?" Well, who says they don't? It just so happens that psychics actually do win the lottery!

Skeptics like to ask silly questions, like why psychics don’t use their extrasensory abilities to predict the winning lottery numbers. This question may have some merit in a stand-up comedy routine, and I enjoy a clever joke as much as the next person, but once everyone has had their laugh, all that remains for me is a tragic reflection of the lack of spiritual depth, as well as the superficial materialism of our modern society.
When I hear the old 'psychics never win the lottery' joke, I always wonder why no one ever asks this question of their priest, pastor or minister? So, let me ask it now. Why don’t you ever read headlines about spiritual leaders who have received the winning lottery numbers through prayer or meditation, for example?
The truth is there have actually been several reports of psychics and their clients winning the lottery. Yes, psychics do win the lottery! It proves that the lame old lottery gag is indeed a myth, but what is often far more significant is the actual circumstances surrounding these wins.
Here’s something to think about…how come you never see a headline like ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’? ~ Jay Leno
Recently I had the unpleasant experience of listening to a friend and colleague being poked fun at during a live radio broadcast. She is a remarkable and truly gifted person and she was invited as a guest to speak about the work psychics do, but ended up being ambushed by the two presenters.
The conversation that followed soon sounded like cross-questioning, instead of it being an objective, investigative interview. Of course, the tired old lottery joke once again made its sad appearance. Clearly these two ‘journalists’ had not done much homework.
I often wonder why intelligent, educated people would value bouncing, colorful balls, with numbers on them, as a reliable scientific measurement and proof of a spiritual phenomenon? Psychic ability, clairvoyance and mediumship are special blessings to humanity, not a circus act? Asking a psychic to guess what you had for breakfast, what your favorite color is, or to predict the next lottery, is like using a highly trained guide dog or a uniquely gifted musician to perform silly party tricks. In fact, the best way to spot a fake psychic is to ask them to jump through hoops in a dog-and-pony show for your entertainment. If they oblige, you most certainly have a scam artist on your hands. This kind of thing is simply not what our gifts and our calling is about.
If it’s the Psychic Network why do they need a phone number? ~ Robin Williams
Truly gifted psychics are the soothsayers, spiritual guides, shamans and healers of our species. We have been here for centuries, since the origins of man, and we will continue to follow our calling and perform our divine duties with diligence. If we were meant to predict lotteries purely for profit and personal gain, there would in fact be no psychics available to do readings for anyone; neither would there ultimately be any lotteries to predict. Psychics would all be millionaires and we would probably control all the resources in the world.
Seldom will you read news reports about how psychic readings have transformed the lives of people. These small miracles happen all the time; I witness them myself on a daily basis. Fact is, such mundane success stories do not make sensational newspaper reports, neither are they very entertaining as dinner party jokes. A good example of psychics winning the lottery is the group of psychics in Australia, who won their share of a $22 million jackpot in September 2006. Each of the psychics in the syndicate was blessed with an estimated $85,000 each. Far more significant than the actual amount they won, is the fact that these ladies did not get together for selfish purposes. They were not motivated by greed, and winning the lottery was not their original motivation. The truth of the matter is that the ‘lucky’ group started out as a social club for local ladies, with the aim of doing charitable work in their community.
These ladies got together on a regular basis, to not only have lunch and chat, but to support needy families and other charitable causes. Funds were collected at meetings and then slipped, anonymously, under the door of some or other house in the neighborhood, wherever it was most needed. After they won the lottery, these ladies made it clear that they will be continuing their charity work. Their intention was to share this blessing with their community.
Just to be clear, the winning numbers were revealed to at least two of these ladies in a dream. It was not a chance event, it was destined. Neither did they do any magic spells or voodoo to get the desired results. The win was simply revealed to them in a spontaneous dream.
More examples of psychics winning lotteries include the following media reports:
Psychic predicted own lottery win - Belfast Telegraph
Psychic quits job.. after winning £2.2m on National Lottery - Daily Record & Sunday Mail
Tarot-card reader scoopes a £772,906 Lottery Jackpot - Machester Evening News
$32M Lottery Winner Believes in Magic - Newser
Psychic predicts lotto win - Yahoo7 News
Brockley mum's £50,000 Lottery win predicted by psychic - News Shopper
$14 Million Lotto Winner Says Psychic Told Him He'd Win - CityNews
Psychic helps woman win $6.8M lottery - Canadian Online Explorer
Builder scoops £3m Lotto win after psychic's premonition - Mail Online
Ex-cop follows psychic reader's advice and wins $1,000 per day for life - Daily News
Lottery Winner Must Share $1.7 Million Jackpot With Psychic Waiter - Huffington Post
Lotto winners forewarned by fortune teller - The Dominion Post
NZ lotto win follows psychic prediction - The Sydney Morning Herald
Mum's £5.4m lottery win after dead brother told her in a dream - Mirror
For more up-to-date reports of psychics winning the lottery visit my Pinterest board dedicated to this subject. It is common knowledge among the psychic community, as well as those who are spiritually aware, that the information or messages we receive during psychic readings are dependent on what is revealed to us at that moment in time. We only receive what is truly necessary and destined for that specific person at that point in their life. No more, no less. If you are meant to hear the next winning lottery numbers from your psychic, believe me you will. Asking for it, or even demanding it, will seldom yield the desired results, unless your ‘psychic’ is using questionable methods of a darker, lower vibrational origin. By the way, did you know your actual odds of winning the lottery depend on where you play, but it typically ranges from 1 in 10 million to 1 in 20 million. And did you know that you are 6 to 45 times more likely to die from a lightning strike than winning the lottery? So, why did those Australian psychics win the lottery? Maybe it is something worthwhile to carefully think about. © 2010 Anthon St. Maarten
Anthon St. Maarten is a psychic medium and destiny coach with a global clientele of thought leaders, business executives, celebrities, politicians, academics, and luminaries in the arts and sciences in more than thirty countries spanning five continents.
He is also a metaphysics teacher, psychic development coach, podcaster, and spiritual blogger. Anthon is a hereditary psychic medium in professional practice since 2004 and a liberal arts post-graduate with a major in psychology.
Anthon publishes the spiritual life design blog, The S Word, and is the author of Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny and The Sensible Psychic: A Leading-Edge Guide To True Psychic Perception.